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    Lyset Segovia
    Admissions Advisor
     +1 575-646-3573
     +1 575-339-1901

    Hello! My name is Lyset Segovia, and I'm a native New Mexican who grew up on a small pecan farm in Mesquite, New Mexico. I began my college pursuits at New Mexico State University in 2017, and after obtaining my bachelor's in philosophy from NMSU in 2021, I went on to obtain my master’s in philosophy from the University of New Mexico. As a Chicana who is among only one other person in her family to achieve her master's, I’d like to inspire my fellow young Chicanas—and all other students—to aim further than they ever thought possible.
    College is a challenge for everyone, but as an Aggie Alumni and your Academic Advisor, my goal is to help prospective students (like you!) see that NMSU is a place they can discover, grow, and call home. Schedule a one-on-one with me today to ask about the application process, the many programs we offer, scholarships, and much more. Go Aggies!

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